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miniBOOSTER offers a range of intensifier systems to power cranes up to 690 bar (10,000  Psi).

minBOOSTER intensifier systems enable you to boost available system pressure up to the crane design pressure, making use of its full potential, when you need it most—at full load.

Efficiency is secured with high bypass, up to 400 LPM (100 GPM), up to system pressure. On top of that, the system is automatically activated, with either sequence valves or solenoid valves, to boost pressure up to preset pressure.

Are there any tradeoffs? Yes, but they are minor. Flow may drop a bit at high pressure when you run at full steam with maximum load. But how often do you operate at these levels?

Our intensifier systems are easily mounted on cranes without making any changes to the system. Need to scale up? Our intensifiers are scalable if you want more high-pressure flow/speed. All you have to do is mount 2 or more in parallel.

That’s the power of plug-and-play simplicity.


Take a closer look at our miniBOOSTER range of intensifier systems:
