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Hydraulic jack mobile

miniBOOSTER hydraulic pressure intensifiers provide several benefits, powering high-pressure equipment on mobile vehicles.

No need for extra Power Pack or High-Pressure Pump
Easy to install on existing hydraulics system
No need for additional, expensive high-pressure control valves
Compact and lightweight
Fast lifting and lowering cycle time

The miniBOOSTER works closely with you to develop optimised vehicle systems and verifies that critical performance characteristics have been met.

The miniBOOSTER is the best solution and most efficient way to power high-pressure tools on your vehicles such as lifting. It generates high-pressure without any modifications on your vehicle’s hydraulic system.

Whether you are cutting, clamping or lifting with 700 bar, the compact and lightweight miniBOOSTER intensifying system provides high bypass flow combined with boosted high-pressure up to 800 bar.

Take a closer look at our miniBOOSTER range of intensifier systems:
