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Portable and easy to operate

Reliable and simple performance

Flexible design; several intensification factors

Multiple connection possibilities

Extended service life

Robust design


PIN: 20 – 350 bar

PH: Up to 2,000 bar maximum

Q: Up to 40 l/min

Weight: 10.0 kg.


The miniBOOSTER Portable Intensifier System M-HC7 is a rugged unit designed for demanding industrial applications. The M-HC7 can be used with any low-pressure, from 20 to 350 bar, power source providing a minimum flow of 2 l/min. Output pressure as high as 2,000 bar.

Reliability is a primary design consideration. The M-HC7 is equipped with a 12-micron filter and a visual filter condition indicator. Service life is extended and down-time avoided.

Portability and ease of operation

With a weight of only 10 kg and a convenient lifting handle, the M-HC7 can be easily carried to where it is needed. The M-HC7 operates from an existing low pressure hydraulic supply. No additional utilities are required. All controls are incorporated into the unit provide simple and reliable performance.

Time is money: The M-HC7 can deliver up to 40 l/min and is designed to ensure that system capacity is directed to your process until intensification is required. Cycle times are minimized. Many applications require that the unit provide exceptional accuracy. The M-HC7 is proven with an easy-to-read 4” diameter pressure gauge to permit accuracy to be controlled within 1%.

Function diagram M-HC7-801

801-01 System with pressure relief valve

Function diagram M-HC7-810

810-01 System with pressure relief valve and pressure reducing valve

Function diagram M-HC7-812

812-01 System with 2 off pressure reducing valves

Connection types

ConnectionP / P1 / M1 / ZTHM2
M-HC7-8011/4" BSPP3/8" BSPPM22x1.5
M-HC7-8101/4" BSPP3/8" BSPPM22x1.5
M-HC7-8121/4" BSPP3/8" BSPPM22x1.51/4" BSPP

High-pressure adapters

High-pressure adapter ordering codes and specifications are shown in the PDF-file: 7-900-13

Fluids and materials

Additional information is available on the website under Products → General specifications.

Ordering an M-HC7

Ordering example of an intensifier system M-HC7 for 2,000 bar with pressure relief and pressure-reducing valve, mounted with an HC7 with i = 13.0, H1 M22 x 1.5 and H2 9/16-18 UNF, DV incorporated and BSPP connections.

M-HC7-810A-1P01 mounted with HC7 – 13.0 – B – 12

Attention notes!
Valve pre-settings are required, please specify when ordering the intensifier system.

High-pressure adapter is required, please specify ordering code – see high-pressure adapter table.
High-pressure adapters will be factory mounted.

Selection of intensifier system

Ordering codeConnectionMax. pressureWeightFunction diagramDimension drawing PDF
M-HC7-801A-1P01Tube2000 bar10 kg801-01M-HC7-801A-1P01-01
M-HC7-810A-1P01Tube2000 bar10 kg810-01M-HC7-810A-1P01-01
M-HC7-812A-1P01Tube2000 bar10 kg812-01M-HC7-812A-1P01-01

Selection of HC7 model

Ordering codeH1H2H3
HC7-_._-B-12M22 x 1.59/16-18 UNF-
HC7-_._-B-13M22 x 1.59/16-18 UNF9/16-18 UNF

Selection of HC7 intensification factor

ModelIntensification, iModel versionConnection
HC74.0B12 or 13
HC75.0B12 or 13
HC76.6B12 or 13
HC77.6B12 or 13
HC79.0B12 or 13
HC710.3B12 or 13
HC713.0B12 or 13
HC716.0B12 or 13
HC720.0B12 or 13
HC725.0B12 or 13