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HC8 versions: 10 different intensification factors

PIN: 20-207 bar

PH: 2,000 bar maximum

PRETURN: As low as possible (return pressure to tank)

POUTLET: PH = (PIN – PRETURN) x intensification factor

Mounting: Inline tube

Weight: 4.5 kg.

Model versions:

A model = no dump valve
B model = with dump valve
G model = direct proportionally controlled

Material certificate 3.1 on request


The HC8 is developed for applications where intensified pressure up to 2,000 bar are required. Operating like the HC2, the HC8 is a unique, self-contained device which boosts inlet pressure up to a 20:1 factor without the use of an external power source.

In addition, the HC8 maintains high pressure by automatically compensating for consumption of oil on the high-pressure side. High pressure is directly proportional to inlet pressure. The HC8 is a compact unit weighing 4.5 kg. The HC8 works at inlet pressure from 20 to 207 bar. Higher pressure is available on special request.

Flow rates

Intensification factor
Max. intensified outlet flow
Max. inlet flow


The basic operation is illustrated in the function diagram. Oil is fed through the directional valve CV to the IN port, flowing freely through the check valves KV1, KV2 and DV to the high-pressure side H. In this condition, maximum flow through the booster is achieved, giving a fast-forward function.

When pump pressure is reached on the high-pressure side H, valves KV1, KV2 and DV will close. The end pressure will be achieved by the oscillating pump unit OP. The unit will automatically stall when end pressure on the high-pressure side H is reached. If a pressure drop on the high-pressure side exists due to consumption or leakage, the OP valve will automatically operate to maintain the end pressure.

Function diagram



Dimension drawing 8-120-16

Connection types

ConnectionIN / R
11/4" BSPP
27/16-20" UNF

High-pressure plate

High-pressure plate ordering code and specifications are show in the PDF-file: 8-900-14

Fluids and materials

Additional information is available on the website under Products → General specifications.

Ordering an HC8

Ordering example of an HC8 with i = 13.0, DV incorporated and BSPP connections, mounted with high-pressure plate with HP-connection 1/4″ BSPP, PG-connection 9/16-18 UNF:

HC8 – 13.0 – B – 1 with 8-285

Attention notes!
High-pressure plate is required, please specify ordering code – see high-pressure plate table.
High-pressure plate will be factory mounted.

The G-model is available in 2 variants, when ordering please specify accordingly:

  • Dynamic – low hysteresis: Ordering example of an HC8 with i = 13.0 RV incorporated and BSPP connections: HC8 – 13.0 – G – 1
  • Fail safe – high hysteresis: The RV valve opening ratio is to be determined on individual basis. Contact our technical support. Ordering example of an HC8 with i = 13.0 RV with opening ratio x.x incorporated and BSPP connections: HC8 – 13.0 – G – x.x – 1


  • HC8

Intensification, i

  • Select factor
  • See flow rate table

Model version

  • Select type
  • A = without DV
  • B = with DV
  • G = with proportional valve


  • Your selection
  • 1 = BSPP
  • 2 = UNF

Max. tightening torque BSPP

IN / R
1/4" BSPP
with steel washer4.0 da/Nm
with cutting edge4.0 da/Nm

Max. tightening torque UNF

IN / R
7/16-20" UNF
with o-ring2.0 da/Nm